To log into your existing HarperDB Studio account:
Navigate to the HarperDB Studio.
Enter your email address.
Enter your password.
Click sign in.
To reset a forgotten password:
Navigate to the HarperDB Studio password reset page.
Enter your email address.
Click send password reset email.
If the account exists, you will receive an email with a temporary password.
Navigate back to the HarperDB Studio login page.
Enter your email address.
Enter your temporary password.
Click sign in.
You will be taken to a new screen to reset your account password. Enter your new password. Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters with at least 1 lower case character, 1 upper case character, 1 number, and 1 special character.
Click the add account password button.
If you are already logged into the Studio, you can change your password though the user interface.
Navigate to the HarperDB Studio profile page.
In the password section, enter:
Current password.
New password.
New password again (for verification).
Click the Update Password button.
HarperDB Studio is the web-based GUI for HarperDB. Studio enables you to administer, navigate, and monitor all of your HarperDB instances in a simple, user friendly interface without any knowledge of the underlying HarperDB API. It’s free to sign up, get started today!
While HarperDB Studio is web based and hosted by us, all database interactions are performed on the HarperDB instance the studio is connected to. The HarperDB Studio loads in your browser, at which point you login to your HarperDB instances. Credentials are stored in your browser cache and are not transmitted back to HarperDB. All database interactions are made via the HarperDB Operations API directly from your browser to your instance.
HarperDB Studio enables users to manage both HarperDB Cloud instances and privately hosted instances all from a single UI. All HarperDB instances feature identical behavior whether they are hosted by us or by you.
Manage instance schemas/tables and browse data in tabular format with the following instructions:
Navigate to the HarperDB Studio Organizations page.
Click the appropriate organization that the instance belongs to.
Select your desired instance.
Click browse in the instance control bar.
Once on the instance browse page you can view data, manage schemas and tables, add new data, and more.
Click the plus icon at the top right of the schemas section.
Enter the schema name.
Click the green check mark.
Deleting a schema is permanent and irreversible. Deleting a schema removes all tables and data within it.
Click the minus icon at the top right of the schemas section.
Identify the appropriate schema to delete and click the red minus sign in the same row.
Click the red check mark to confirm deletion.
Select the desired schema from the schemas section.
Click the plus icon at the top right of the tables section.
Enter the table name.
Enter the primary key.
The primary key is also often referred to as the hash attribute in the studio, and it defines the unique identifier for each row in your table.
Click the green check mark.
Deleting a table is permanent and irreversible. Deleting a table removes all data within it.
Select the desired schema from the schemas section.
Click the minus icon at the top right of the tables section.
Identify the appropriate table to delete and click the red minus sign in the same row.
Click the red check mark to confirm deletion.
The following section assumes you have selected the appropriate table from the schema/table browser.
Click the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the table browser.
This expands the search filters.
The results will be filtered appropriately.
Click the data icon at the top right of the table browser. You will be directed to the CSV upload page where you can choose to import a CSV by URL or upload a CSV file.
To import a CSV by URL:
Enter the URL in the CSV file URL textbox.
Click Import From URL.
The CSV will load, and you will be redirected back to browse table data.
To upload a CSV file:
Click Click or Drag to select a .csv file (or drag your CSV file from your file browser).
Navigate to your desired CSV file and select it.
Click Insert X Records, where X is the number of records in your CSV.
The CSV will load, and you will be redirected back to browse table data.
Click the plus icon at the top right of the table browser.
The Studio will pre-populate existing table attributes in JSON format.
The primary key is not included, but you can add it in and set it to your desired value. Auto-maintained fields are not included and cannot be manually set. You may enter a JSON array to insert multiple records in a single transaction.
Enter values to be added to the record.
You may add new attributes to the JSON; they will be reflexively added to the table.
Click the Add New button.
Click the record/row you would like to edit.
Modify the desired values.
You may add new attributes to the JSON; they will be reflexively added to the table.
Click the save icon.
Deleting a record is permanent and irreversible. If transaction logging is turned on, the delete transaction will be recorded as well as the data that was deleted.
Click the record/row you would like to delete.
Click the delete icon.
Confirm deletion by clicking the check icon.
The following section assumes you have selected the appropriate table from the schema/table browser.
The first page of table data is automatically loaded on table selection. Paging controls are at the bottom of the table. Here you can:
Page left and right using the arrows.
Type in the desired page.
Change the page size (the amount of records displayed in the table).
Click the refresh icon at the top right of the table browser.
Toggle the auto switch at the top right of the table browser. The table data will now automatically refresh every 15 seconds. Filters and pages will remain set for refreshed data.