Audit Logging

Audit log

The audit log uses a standard HarperDB table to track transactions. For each table a user creates, a corresponding table will be created to track transactions against that table.

Audit log is disabled by default. To use the audit log, set logging.auditLog to true in the config file, harperdb-config.yaml. Then restart HarperDB for those changes to take place.

Audit Log Operations


The read_audit_log operation is flexible, enabling users to query with many parameters. All operations search on a single table. Filter options include timestamps, usernames, and table hash values. Additional examples found in the HarperDB API documentation.

Search by Timestamp

    "operation": "read_audit_log",
    "schema": "dev",
    "table": "dog",
    "search_type": "timestamp",
    "search_values": [

There are three outcomes using timestamp.

  • "search_values": [] - All records returned for specified table

  • "search_values": [1660585740558] - All records after provided timestamp

  • "search_values": [1660585740558, 1760585759710] - Records "from" and "to" provided timestamp

Search by Username

    "operation": "read_audit_log",
    "schema": "dev",
    "table": "dog",
    "search_type": "username",
    "search_values": [

The above example will return all records whose username is "admin."

Search by Primary Key

    "operation": "read_audit_log",
    "schema": "dev",
    "table": "dog",
    "search_type": "hash_value",
    "search_values": [

The above example will return all records whose primary key (hash_value) is 318.

read_audit_log Response

The example that follows provides records of operations performed on a table. One thing of note is that this the read_audit_log operation gives you the original_records.

    "operation": "update",
    "user_name": "HDB_ADMIN",
    "timestamp": 1607035559122.277,
    "hash_values": [
    "records": [
            "id": 1,
            "breed": "Muttzilla",
            "age": 6,
            "__updatedtime__": 1607035559122
            "id": 2,
            "age": 7,
            "__updatedtime__": 1607035559121
    "original_records": [
            "__createdtime__": 1607035556801,
            "__updatedtime__": 1607035556801,
            "age": 5,
            "breed": "Mutt",
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Penny"
            "__createdtime__": 1607035556801,
            "__updatedtime__": 1607035556801,
            "age": 5,
            "breed": "Mutt",
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Harper"


Just like with transaction logs, you can clean up your audit logs with the delete_audit_logs_before operation. It will delete audit log data according to the given parameters. The example below will delete records older than the timestamp provided.

    "operation": "delete_audit_logs_before",
    "schema": "dev",
    "table": "cat",
    "timestamp": 1598290282817

Last updated