Requirements and Definitions

Before you get started with Custom Functions, here’s a primer on the basic configuration and the structure of a Custom Functions Project.


Custom Functions are configured in the harperdb-config.yaml file located in the operations API root directory (by default this is a directory named hdb located in the home directory of the current user). Below is a view of the Custom Functions' section of the config YAML file, plus descriptions of important Custom Functions settings.

  enabled: true
    cors: true
      - null
    headersTimeout: 60000
    https: false
    keepAliveTimeout: 5000
    port: 9926
    timeout: 120000
  nodeEnv: production
  root: ~/hdb/custom_functions
    certificate: ~/hdb/keys/certificate.pem
    certificateAuthority: ~/hdb/keys/ca.pem
    privateKey: ~/hdb/keys/privateKey.pem
  • enabled A boolean value that tells HarperDB to start the Custom Functions server. Set it to true to enable custom functions and false to disable. enabled is true by default.

  • network.port This is the port HarperDB will use to start a standalone Fastify Server dedicated to serving your Custom Functions’ routes.

  • root This is the root directory where your Custom Functions projects and their files will live. By default, it’s in your <ROOTPATH>, but you can locate it anywhere--in a developer folder next to your other development projects, for example.

Please visit our configuration docs for a more comprehensive look at these settings.

Project Structure

project folder

The name of the folder that holds your project files serves as the root prefix for all the routes you create. All routes created in the dogs project folder will have a URL like this: As such, it’s important that any project folders you create avoid any characters that aren’t URL-friendly. You should avoid URL delimiters in your folder names.

/routes folder

Files in the routes folder define the requests that your Custom Functions server will handle. They are standard Fastify route declarations, so if you’re familiar with them, you should be up and running in no time. The default components for a route are the url, method, preValidation, and handler.

module.exports = async (server, { hdbCore, logger }) => {
        url: '/',
        method: 'POST',
        preValidation: hdbCore.preValidation,
        handler: hdbCore.request,

/helpers folder

These files are JavaScript modules that you can use in your handlers, or for custom preValidation hooks. Examples include calls to third party Authentication services, filters for results of calls to HarperDB, and custom error responses. As modules, you can use standard import and export functionality.

"use strict";

const dbFilter = (databaseResultsArray) => databaseResultsArray.filter((result) => result.showToApi === true);

module.exports = dbFilter;

/static folder

If you’d like to serve your visitors a static website, you can place the html and supporting files into a directory called static. The directory must have an index.html file, and can have as many supporting resources as are necessary in whatever subfolder structure you prefer within that static directory.

Last updated