


  • Users & Roles:

    • Limit/Assign access to all HarperDB operations

    • Limit/Assign access to schemas, tables & attributes

    • Limit/Assign access to specific SQL operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT)

  • Enhanced SQL parser

    • Added extensive ANSI SQL Support.

    • Added Array function, which allows for converting relational data into Object/Hierarchical data

    • Distinct_Array Function: allows for removing duplicates in the Array function.

    • Enhanced SQL Validation: Improved validation around structure of SQL, validating the schema, etc..

    • 10x performance improvement on SQL statements.

  • Export Function: can now call a NoSQL/SQL search and have it export to CSV or JSON.

  • Added upgrade function to CLI

  • Added ability to perform bulk update from CSV

  • Created landing page for HarperDB.

  • Added CORS support to HarperDB


  • Fixed memory leak in CSV bulk loads

  • Corrected error when attempting to perform a SQL DELETE

  • Added further validation to NoSQL UPDATE to validate schema & table exist

  • Fixed install issue occurring when part of the install path does not exist, the install would silently fail.

  • Fixed issues with replicated data when one of the replicas is down

  • Removed logging of initial user’s credentials during install

  • Can now use reserved words as aliases in SQL

  • Removed user(s) password in results when calling list_users

  • Corrected forwarding of operations to other nodes in a cluster

  • Corrected lag in schema meta-data passing to other nodes in a cluster

  • Drop table & schema now move the table & schema or table to the trash folder under the Database folder for later permanent deletion.

  • Bulk inserts no longer halt the entire operation if n records already exist, instead the return includes the hashes of records that have been skipped.

  • Added ability to accept EULA from command line

  • Corrected search_by_value not searching on the correct attribute

  • Added ability to increase the timeout of a request by adding SERVER_TIMEOUT_MS to config/settings.js

  • Add error handling resulting from SQL calculations.

  • Standardized error responses as JSON.

  • Corrected internal process generation to not allow more processes than machine has cores.

Last updated

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