
Get Job

Returns job status, metrics, and messages for the specified job ID.

  • operation (required) - must always be get_job

  • id (required) - the id of the job you wish to view


    "operation": "get_job",
    "id": "4a982782-929a-4507-8794-26dae1132def"

Response: 200

        "__createdtime__": 1611615798782,
        "__updatedtime__": 1611615801207,
        "created_datetime": 1611615798774,
        "end_datetime": 1611615801206,
        "id": "4a982782-929a-4507-8794-26dae1132def",
        "job_body": null,
        "message": "successfully loaded 350 of 350 records",
        "start_datetime": 1611615798805,
        "status": "COMPLETE",
        "type": "csv_url_load",
        "user": "HDB_ADMIN",
        "start_datetime_converted": "2021-01-25T23:03:18.805Z",
        "end_datetime_converted": "2021-01-25T23:03:21.206Z"

Search Jobs By Start Date

Returns a list of job statuses, metrics, and messages for all jobs executed within the specified time window.

Operation is restricted to super_user roles only

  • operation (required) - must always be search_jobs_by_start_date

  • from_date (required) - the date you wish to start the search

  • to_date (required) - the date you wish to end the search


    "operation": "search_jobs_by_start_date",
    "from_date": "2021-01-25T22:05:27.464+0000",
    "to_date": "2021-01-25T23:05:27.464+0000"

Response: 200

        "id": "942dd5cb-2368-48a5-8a10-8770ff7eb1f1",
        "user": "HDB_ADMIN",
        "type": "csv_url_load",
        "status": "COMPLETE",
        "start_datetime": 1611613284781,
        "end_datetime": 1611613287204,
        "job_body": null,
        "message": "successfully loaded 350 of 350 records",
        "created_datetime": 1611613284764,
        "__createdtime__": 1611613284767,
        "__updatedtime__": 1611613287207,
        "start_datetime_converted": "2021-01-25T22:21:24.781Z",
        "end_datetime_converted": "2021-01-25T22:21:27.204Z"

Last updated