Built-In Components

Harper provides extended features using built-in components. They do not need to be installed with a package manager, and simply must be specified in a config to run. These are used throughout many Harper docs, guides, and examples. Unlike external components which have their own semantic versions, built-in components follow Harper's semantic version.


Specify custom endpoints using Fastify.

This component is a Resource Extension and can be configured with the files, path, and root configuration options.

Complete documentation for this feature is available here: Define Fastify Routes

  files: './routes/*.js'


GraphQL querying is experimental, and only partially implements the GraphQL Over HTTP / GraphQL specifications.

Enables GraphQL querying via a /graphql endpoint loosely implementing the GraphQL Over HTTP specification.

Complete documentation for this feature is available here: GraphQL

graphql: true


Specify schemas for Harper tables and resources via GraphQL schema syntax.

This component is a Resource Extension and can be configured with the files, path, and root configuration options.

Complete documentation for this feature is available here: Defining Schemas

  files: './schemas.graphql'


Specify custom, JavaScript based Harper resources.

Refer to the Application Custom Functionality with JavaScript guide, or Resource Class reference documentation for more information on custom resources.

This component is a Resource Extension and can be configured with the files, path, and root configuration options.

  files: './resource.js'


Enable automatic REST endpoint generation for exported resources with this component.

Complete documentation for this feature is available here: REST

rest: true

This component contains additional options:

To enable Last-Modified header support:

  lastModified: true

To disable automatic WebSocket support:

  webSocket: false


Specify roles for Harper tables and resources.

This component is a Resource Extension and can be configured with the files, path, and root configuration options.

Complete documentation for this feature is available here: Defining Roles

  files: './roles.yaml'


Specify which files to server statically from the Harper HTTP endpoint. Built using the send and serve-static modules.

This component is a Resource Extension and can be configured with the files, path, and root configuration options.

  files: './web/*'

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